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Terms and conditions

Privacy Policy of Roakon d.o.o.


This privacy policy is part of the general terms and conditions published on this page under the subtitle “General Terms.”


Summary (for those who prefer a simple explanation):


By submitting your inquiry or downloading free content, registering for a workshop, buying an online course or book, you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1). You also agree to receive additional relevant content on the submitted email, which you declared when submitting your email address. We will store your data until you unsubscribe from the news (which you probably won’t) or request data deletion. We store them to send relevant emails. We need to know what you have already purchased, where you clicked, what interests you, and where we can best assist you. Only we and our team members with appropriate permission can access your data (your name, surname, email, phone number, etc.). We assure you that we will never use this data for any malicious purposes…


About the personal data protection policy:


The purpose of the Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter: Policy) is to inform Subscribers, Users, and other individuals (hereinafter: Individuals) about the purposes and basis of the processing of personal data by Roakon d.o.o., Company ID: 9495878000, Tax ID: 38569426 (hereinafter: Roakon d.o.o.), and the rights of Individuals in this area. This Policy also explains the consent for data processing. According to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals regarding personal data processing and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the following information is included: 1. company contact information and data protection officer contact; 2. purposes, bases, and types of processing various personal data of Individuals, including profiling; 3. data transfer to third parties and third countries; 4. retention period of different types of personal data; 5. rights of Individuals regarding data processing; and 6. the right to file a complaint regarding data processing. Where appropriate, the provisions relating to Individuals also apply to issues of confidentiality and privacy of communications of legal entities.


Controller and Data Protection Officer:


The controller of personal data of Individuals processed according to the Personal Data Protection Policy is Roakon d.o.o., Gosposvetska cesta 27.b, 2000 Maribor. The company does not have a designated data protection officer, and this function is assumed by the company director, who can be reached at the email address info@roakon.eu.


Purposes of processing and bases for data processing:


Processing based on contract:


Roakon d.o.o. processes personal data of individuals for informing about new posts on the website (mentoring email series), direct marketing purposes (registration for exclusive workshop invitations, programs, and events), and segmentation purposes (registration for individually created emails and Facebook ads). For the purposes of exercising rights and fulfilling contractual obligations, Roakon d.o.o. processes personal data of individuals for the following purposes: – email address and name (for informing, sending email newsletters, advertising on Facebook) – phone number (for informing about events, courses) – home address (for sending birthday cards and direct mail) – company data (to fulfill obligations under the sales contract – creating and sending invoices).


Processing based on consent:


Data processing can be based on consent given by the individual to the company. Consent may relate to being informed about offers and services, preparing an offer tailored to individual user habits, or providing value-added services. Information is carried out through channels selected by the Individual in the consent. Using the email address for notification includes transferring the email address to an external processor to display the company’s advertising messages while browsing the internet. The individual, to whom the personal data relates, can withdraw or change their consent at any time in the same way as the consent was given or in another way defined by Roakon d.o.o., reserving the right of the company Roakon d.o.o. to identify the customer. Withdrawal or change of consent only applies to data processed based on consent. The last given consent of the Individual received by Roakon d.o.o. is valid. The possibility of withdrawing consent does not constitute a right of withdrawal in the business relationship between the Individual and Roakon d.o.o. Consent can be given by one of the parents, foster parent, or guardian for a minor child who, according to valid legislation, cannot give consent themselves. Such consent is valid until one of the parents, foster parent, guardian, or the child themself, when they acquire this right according to valid legislation, revokes or changes it.


Transfer of data to third parties and transfer of data to third countries (countries that are not members of the European Union or the European Economic Area):


Roakon d.o.o. may, if consistent with the purpose for which personal data are processed according to EU law and Slovenian regulations, transfer personal data of individuals to: – persons performing certain processing tasks for Roakon d.o.o. such as preparing and sending invoices or data analytics, maintaining and developing services, when these tasks include processing personal data to the necessary extent; – persons performing sales and marketing services for Roakon d.o.o., including field sales and marketing, or cooperating with Roakon d.o.o. in marketing and sales of their own services or third-party services, to the extent necessary for such tasks within the purposes and bases defined in this Policy. If Roakon d.o.o. is affiliated with or acquired by another company, personal data are transferred to the acquirer according to the law. By using our services, you consent to the further processing of your personal data by the acquirer.


Data retention period:


Billing data and associated contact data of individuals can be stored for the purpose of fulfilling contractual obligations until the full and complete payment of the service or at most until the expiration of the limitation periods for each claim, which can be from one to five years according to the law. Invoices are stored for 10 years after the year to which the invoice relates according to the law regulating value-added tax. If traffic data are processed based on the individual’s consent for marketing services, sale of goods, or provision of value-added services, these data can be processed to the necessary extent as long as necessary for such marketing or services. All other data obtained for information and direct marketing purposes are stored until revocation. Roakon d.o.o. ensures individuals the exercise of their rights without undue delay and in any case within one month of receiving the request. Roakon d.o.o. may extend the deadline for exercising the rights of the individual for a maximum of one month, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. If Roakon d.o.o. extends the deadline, it informs the individual about each such extension within one month of receiving the request, along with the reasons for the delay. Roakon d.o.o. accepts requests regarding the rights of the individual at the email address info@roakon.eu. When an individual, to whom the personal data relates, submits a request electronically, information is provided electronically whenever possible, unless the individual, to whom the personal data relates, requests otherwise. If there is a justified doubt regarding the identity of the Individual submitting a request related to their rights, Roakon d.o.o. may request additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the individual, to whom the personal data relates. If requests of the individual, to whom the personal data relates, are obviously unfounded or excessive, particularly because they are repetitive, Roakon d.o.o. may charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing information or communication or implementing the requested action, or refuse to act on the request. Roakon d.o.o. provides individuals with the following rights regarding the processing of personal data: – the right to access; – the right to rectification; – the right to erasure (the “right to be forgotten”); – the right to restrict processing; and – the right to data portability.


Right of access:


Individuals, whose personal data is concerned, have the right to obtain confirmation from the company Roakon d.o.o. whether their personal data is being processed and, if so, access to their personal data and additional information regarding the processing of their personal data, which includes: – the purposes of processing; – the types of personal data; – the users or categories of users to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, especially users in third countries or international organizations; – where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period; – the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject, or to object to such processing; – the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority; – where personal data are not collected from the individual, any available information as to their source; – the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject. Upon written request, Roakon d.o.o. provides a copy of the personal data undergoing processing. For any additional copies requested by the data subject, Roakon d.o.o. may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs.

Right to Rectification:


Individuals, whose personal data is concerned, have the right to have Roakon d.o.o. correct any inaccurate personal data about them without undue delay. Considering the purposes of the processing, they have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.


Right to Erasure (“Right to be Forgotten”):


Individuals, whose personal data is concerned, have the right to have Roakon d.o.o. erase their personal data without undue delay, and Roakon d.o.o. is obliged to erase personal data without undue delay where: – the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; – the individual withdraws consent on which the processing is based and where there is no other legal ground for the processing; – the individual objects to the processing based on the legitimate interest of the company and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing; – the individual objects to processing for direct marketing purposes; – the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which Roakon d.o.o. is subject; – the data have been unlawfully processed; – the personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services to a child. When it comes to directory or otherwise published data, Roakon d.o.o. takes reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform controllers processing the personal data that the data subject requests them to delete any links to, or copies of, those personal data.


Right to Restriction of Processing:


Individuals, whose personal data is concerned, have the right to obtain from Roakon d.o.o. restriction of processing where: – the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data; – the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead; – Roakon d.o.o. no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; – the data subject has objected to processing pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.


Right to Data Portability:


Individuals, whose personal data is concerned, have the right to receive their personal data, which they have provided to Roakon d.o.o., in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from Roakon d.o.o., to which the personal data have been provided, where: – the processing is based on consent or on a contract and – the processing is carried out by automated means.

Right to Object:


Individuals, whose personal data is concerned, have the right, on grounds relating to their particular situation, to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning them which is based on legitimate interests pursued by Roakon d.o.o. or a third party. Roakon d.o.o. shall no longer process the personal data unless the company demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. Where direct marketing is based on consent, the right to object can be exercised by withdrawing the given consent.


Right to Lodge a Complaint Regarding the Processing of Personal Data:


Individuals can send any complaints regarding the processing of personal data to the email address: info@roakon.eu. Each individual, whose personal data is concerned, also has the right to lodge a complaint directly with the Information Commissioner if they believe that the processing of personal data relating to them infringes Slovenian or EU data protection regulations. If an individual has exercised the right of access to data at the company and, after receiving the company’s decision, believes that the personal data they received are not the personal data they requested, or that they have not received all the requested personal data, they may file a reasoned complaint with the company within 15 days before lodging a complaint with the Information Commissioner. Roakon d.o.o. must decide on the complaint as a new request within five working days.




On our website, we use cookies. Cookies are small files that browsers like Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer load onto your computer while browsing the web. More information about what cookies are can be found here. In accordance with the recommendations of the Information Commissioner, we have installed a notice about the use of cookies on our website, while also allowing you to choose which cookies you want to use and which you do not.


Types of Cookies on Our Website:


Essential Cookies: Essential cookies are those that the website needs to function properly. These include, for example, cookies that take care of the sessions of logged-in users (administrators, moderators of the site), as well as cookies loaded onto your computer so that we know which of the other cookies you allow and which you do not on your next visit. Based on the information in these cookies, the operation and display of the website https://roakon.eu/ is adapted for you. 2. Visitor Statistics: Website administrators want to know where our visitors stay, which individual contents are most visited, and from where you come to our website. This is our only feedback and mostly the only contact with our visitors. For this reason, we record view statistics. Based on the cookies loaded onto your computer, we can know if you are visiting us for the first time or if you are a regular visitor. 3. Other Cookies (3rd party cookies): These cookies ensure the proper loading of social network plugins, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. The same category includes video content uploaded from communities like YouTube and Vimeo. Social network cookies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and similar record the most information about users and thus potentially most endanger your privacy. On the website https://roakon.eu/, social network cookies are NOT loaded automatically but only upon the explicit request of the visitor by clicking on the logo of the respective social network. We have no control over any cookies that are loaded upon clicking.


Cookies Used by the Website roakon.si:


We use the following cookies: 1. Essential for the operation of the site: cc_necessary, cc_analytics. These are mandatory cookies, in which we record whether you agree with the use of each type of cookies or not. These cookies last slightly less than 365 days. 2. Visitor Statistics: __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz. These are cookies used by Google Analytics. They enable us to observe how users move within our web pages. These cookies last up to 2 years. Can Google identify me based on these cookies? The short answer is NO. Google cannot personally identify anyone based on this record. For each website using Google Analytics, each web user has different identifiers, which are generated randomly. 3. 3rd party cookies: If you activate any of the social plugins by clicking, it is possible that it will insert its own cookie. We have no control over these cookies on the website https://roakon.eu/, which is why we prevent the loading of social network cookies until visitors explicitly request it by clicking. By clicking on the icon of the social network, plugins are activated that may set their own cookies, and we have no control over them. You can easily avoid the loading of cookies by not activating the plugins. The plugins we use are social network plugins Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


General Terms:


Protection of Rights:


This notice concerns the web pages at the address related to all orders submitted on the following website: https://roakon.eu/ All content on these web pages is the property of Roakon d.o.o., MŠ: 9495878000, DŠ: 38569426 (hereinafter: Roakon d.o.o.) and is for informational purposes.


Limited Liability:


Roakon d.o.o. is not responsible for the use of the website https://roakon.eu/ and for any damage caused by using the web content located there. Roakon d.o.o. will strive for the accuracy of the information. Roakon d.o.o. may change all contents at any time, without obligation to inform users, and is not responsible for the consequences of such changes.


Limited Right to Use Content:


Users may use the content on the website address https://roakon.eu/ for their personal use, provided that copyright is not violated. The authors of the content are not responsible for any harmful consequences of use. Any other use or distribution of these web contents or their parts is not allowed.


Protection of Personal Data and Information Sharing:


Roakon d.o.o. will handle all data collected on the pages of https://roakon.eu/ in accordance with applicable law. When you enter your email address on any of our web pages, you fully agree that Roakon d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as the personal data controller) may use the entered data (such as email address, telephone number, etc.) for direct marketing purposes, statistical processing, research creation, sending offers, promotional materials, greeting cards, magazines, various promotional campaigns, and invitations to events, communication, daily marketing research, customization of offers, segmentation, and implementation of other types of marketing and business analyses, and for other purposes. If an individual does not want the personal data controller to prepare a customized offer based on their website visit, they can either disable cookies in their browser or not submit their data within the form on the controller’s website, thus ensuring their anonymity. Consent can also be revoked at any time by notifying the discontinuation of the use of their personal data to the address info@roakon.eu or by unsubscribing directly from the received email, sent via third-party mass emailing tools.


Facebook Policy:


Summary (for those who prefer a simple explanation):


“We” take the privacy of our users (“user,” “you,” “your”) seriously. This privacy policy is designed to inform you about the data we collect through our Facebook application and/or fan page. Data is collected in accordance with this privacy policy, and this policy only applies to our information collection practices on Facebook. We intend to comply with the requirements outlined by Facebook for developers, as described here: https://developers.facebook.com/policy/. As required by Facebook’s privacy policy, we must inform you that we do not sell your data, but it may be transferred if we are acquired or merged. Additionally, you can request the removal of your data at any time by contacting us via email, but please allow us sufficient time to fulfill this request once it is made.


By using our application and/or page, you grant us the right to use, copy, display, distribute, deliver, render, and publicly perform any content you provide to us. The use of our application and/or page is also prohibited in certain countries, particularly those that have blocked the use of Facebook or where your use or our content would be prohibited.

About the Privacy Policy:


The data we collect depends on the information you allow others to view on your Facebook profile. However, we will collect at least the following information about you:


  • Name
  • Email address
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Current city
  • Your profile picture
  • IP address browser
  • Various types of interactions with our application or Facebook page


The types of information we may collect if you authorize us to collect it are:


  • Networks
  • Friends list
  • Pages
  • Interests
  • Information about how you communicate with your friends
  • Profile information
  • Posts you “like”
  • Contact information
  • Status updates
  • Event calendar
  • Whether you are online or not
  • “Check-ins” and friends who have checked you in
  • Posts or pictures in which you are tagged


The types of information we may collect if you authorize us to collect it are:


  • We use data received through Facebook’s API to improve your experience with us
  • Analyzing and developing new products
  • We may use your Facebook ID with certain services that use our application
  • To enable you to use features of our applications
  • To post on your wall regarding the use of our application
  • To enable you to interact with others using our application or page
  • To promote our application, all specific information about you will be aggregated in an anonymized form
  • To communicate with you about new features
  • To notify you about changes to our pricing or website
  • To verify your identity
  • Who Do We Share Your Data With?


Application partners and third-party service providers: We may share your data with third parties with whom we have specifically partnered for our application and/or our fan page. Additionally, we may hire external companies or third parties to help us manage, create, or maintain our application and/or fan page. These parties are contractually obligated to keep your data confidential and will only have access to the information necessary to perform their duties. Other users: If you have allowed us and if one of the features of our application and/or fan page enables you to interact with others, you give us the opportunity to share some data with other users. However, we only share this data if you have allowed us to and if Facebook permits it. We may also analyze how you communicate with other users and then aggregate this data in an anonymized form so we can see how you use our application and/or page.


Legal use: We may disclose your data if required by a subpoena, in any legal proceeding, to comply with any law or regulation, or at the request of any law enforcement body. We may also disclose your data if we reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent harm, injury, or loss to us or any third party.

Acquisition of the company or merger: If we acquire or sell our company, your data may be transferred. If you have any concerns about the transfer of your data, you can contact us in this case.


Control Over Your Data:


You can request at any time that we delete all data about you. If you do not, we may retain your data until you ask us to delete it, even if we discontinue the application and/or page. You can also prevent us from collecting data about you by removing our application, unsubscribing from our page, or deleting your account. We can provide you with the ability to review, correct, or delete your data.


Other Disclosures and Assurances:


We do not sell/transfer your Facebook usage information to third parties unless permitted by this agreement. We use reasonable protective measures and protections to safeguard your data. We may have servers in various jurisdictions, and by using our services, you agree to the transfer of your data from your residence to our servers. We do not allow users under 13 years of age to use our application or fan page and will delete any accounts suspected to be under this age. This privacy policy may be updated as needed. In such a case, we will post a notice of changes and the last updated date of this policy here.


Best regards,

Roakon d.o.o.


Policy Validity. This Policy is published on the website: https://roakon.eu/ and comes into effect on 01.01.2024.

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